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BIRE inspections

One of the most significant safety initiatives introduced by OCIMF is the Barge Inspection Report Programme (BIRE). The BIRE Programme is a unique tanker risk assessment tool of value to charterers, ship operators, terminal operators and government bodies concerned with ship safety.

The SIRE system is a very large database of up-to-date information about tankers and barges. Essentially, SIRE has focused tanker industry awareness on the importance of meeting satisfactory tanker quality and ship safety standards. Since its introduction, the SIRE Programme has received industry-wide acceptance and participation by both OCIMF Members, Programme recipients and by ship Operators. The expansion of Barges and small vessels into SIRE was inaugurated in late 2004.

D. van Wolferen Marine Inspection & Consultant performs SIRE & BIRE inspection for Category 1,2 & 3 type of vessels on behalf of the OCIMF submitting members.

ŸOil tankers
ŸChemical tankers
ŸLPG carriers
ŸLNG carriers
ŸCombination carriers
Categories 1 and 2 depending on tonnage
ŸOffshore barges
ŸInland barges (manned and unmanned)
Integrated barges
Category 3